Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Playful gardening

Not quite got the hang of the space hopper. I had an orange one growing up in the '80s

Thomas and Percy are by far Sam's favourite toys since his first Christmas.

With the addition of a few fences to keep the chickens and dogs off the grass, the two little gardens at the back of the house are a great space for the children to play. Especially Bella, who can crawl safely without kneeling in animal poop! The dogs have got the rest of the garden to enjoy with the chickens and we have a new visitor in the back garden going by the name of Katty - name chosen by Sam. Next doors kitten joins us for a few hours each day, content in the knowledge he won' t be chased by the dogs. He seems to love the children and plays a game of hide and seek with them.


  1. WoW! Andrea your lettuce looks incredible. JEALOUS! It must be all that French soil. My salads are no where near to cropping yet. Great photos as always! Lou xx

  2. p.s. Katty! hehehe this made me chuckle. x

  3. yes, your veggies look tantalizing. i'm jealous too! i want to be like you in the garden one day. i love that bella can crawl so well along the beds. she is such a doll! if only ezra and i could come over, we'd bring more engines and the boys could play in the sand together. i had to pick up some dog poop this evening so ezra could run freely without me worrying about him stepping in something. great idea to sequester the dogs!

  4. Stunning photos, Andrea. Homely, playful and gorgeous..and look at that CRISP salad - yum :)

  5. Your garden is wonderful!! Do you have chickens too?!?!? We're planning to get some this summer. I'd love to hear about what it's like to raise chickens.


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