Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1, 2, 3

Sam has a fantastic memory and an understanding of how things works. He loves taking toys and trucks apart and reassembling them. But when it comes to counting he got a little muddled. I've heard him counting in French no problem but he has trouble remembering in English. I told him the easiest way was to use his fingers, but he said he needed to see the numbers. Easy peasy - I wrote the numbers on his fingers and 10 minutes later he had got it. Now he can visualize numbers on his fingers when counting.


  1. what an excellent idea! and what an astute little dude to know what will help him learn!

    xo em

  2. that is brilliant!! i'll definitely try that with Aidan. so far we have done bottle tops & beans and that really hasn't worked.

    i'll let you know how it goes.

  3. Great idea! Everything you write about Sam makes me like him more and more...

  4. Isn't it wonderful to see them learn so quickly. Well done Sam.

  5. So precious. My little one always forgets '5'

  6. That is so cute and very clever:) Yeah for Sam for now counting in English. xo

  7. you are the most clever mama, and so, of course, is sam (clever that is).

  8. Bonjour Andrea, I found you via Cathie's post today :)
    Great idea, well done!Maybe I need to do that myself lol, I have lived in Australia for a while now but when it comes to counting...I must reverse to French!!:)
    Sandrine x


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