Friday, June 17, 2011

This and that

The potatoes have been a success! We are making our way through the new potato crop at the moment.

Finding very retro clocks at the brocante.

Little helpers cleaning and gardening.

Nipping outside inbetween showers. It's more like April than June!


  1. We're growing potatoes too! Although our plants look to be a good month or two behind yours...I love the photo of you cute shoes, skirt, and flowers.

  2. i love that clock and your veggie row looks amazing! what kind of special tape is that you used for your pictures? does it not peel the paint off the walls? i like it....

  3. Seems like lots of people had a wonderful weekend. How tidy is that vegie patch!! kudos!

  4. I am very envious of your vegie patch .. looks fantastic - and the clock - what a find!!

  5. Your garden looks amazing! You have so much space to plant. I'm jealous!

    I love your photos taped up on the wall like that. I may have to steal that idea. The walls around my computer are bare and icky.


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