Friday, May 24, 2013


We've been baking lots lately. I've stopped buying packets of biscuits. We're always left with several opened packets of biscuits and now the children have learnt to climb on chairs, tables and worktops to get to these. I've lost control! It's much more fun to bake -  as you can see from the mess being made. Sam loves any type of cake aslong as it has icing on it and Bella just loves playing. There weren't actually any biscuits made in the end (I had to make a separate batch) but she loved flouring, rolling and cutting. I've also started to make yoghurts again which are a winner.


  1. Homemade yogurts are really good! Il ove to make them too! And I really would like to bake more biscuits until reaching this goal, no more buying biscuits nor cookies, those that we bake at home are so much better! :)

  2. You kids are having such a sweet childhood. You are doing a beautiful job. Gary is giving away a CD of his new music, I remember that you are a fan of his songwriting. Feel free to come along and see.

  3. definitely to bake is better!


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