Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bike rides

This particular day, Sam scootered around the village, pulled Bella on tractor around the village and then cycled around the village as I pushed Bella in her pram. A stop at the boules pit in front of the village hall to play with sand and stones! Sam can ride on his little bike for an hour as we did recently. His little legs going ten to the dozen is so sweet to watch.


  1. Love the reflection shot and Bella's little pinafore - so sweet. x

  2. Love the photo the three of you reflected in the window. I do like your blog, it gives me a little peek into the sleepy, picturesque France I spent many childhood holidays enjoying. And your kids are gorgeous.

  3. They look so adorable and it sounds like a perfect hour x

  4. he is doing so well on his bike riding adventures. all that practice in your lovely village is perfect. sam looks so much taller in the last photo and little bella looking cuter than ever. xo

  5. What a lovely way to spend a Saturday! Love Bella's dress and Sam is sp cute with his super sonic pedalling! X

  6. brilliant shot in front of the shop window andrea! you're so clever. you and the kiddies are darling. xo

  7. I'm so in love with your village! Love that second pic, Bella waving in the reflection... cute! x

  8. Hello Andrea,
    Just the word 'village' makes me smile. A smile that gets broader as I follow your little adventure. Lovely, as always!

    My blogger account got hacked, and I have had to start from the beginning. Would love to see you there as well.

    Wishing you a briliant new week, with many, many adventures.


  9. love sam on his wee bike and his curls, he is heartbreakinly cute. love bella waving at the window reflection. and love you in your pretty skirt and sandles.

  10. My favorite is bella sitting alone on the blue benches :) I bet you get quite the workout with your little ones!

  11. Hello,
    I found you on IG last night and spent hours on your beautiful blog. I'm drawn in. Just beautiful.


Hello. Lovely to hear from you! Thank you for visiting xxx